1. I've been jinxed
Little do people realise that they have to fail in order to succeed. People often wail and rant on how they are being unlucky, not to achieve their targets. Of course they would probably repeat the legendary quotes, "you sow what you reap", and eventually trying to reminisce all the efforts they have been putting all this while. Yes, it's not wrong to recognise the efforts, but you sure forget that those people who are listed as successful today, they have also been through the can of worms in their life. Thus, as someone who wants to climb the stair of success, you just need to come hell or high water. So, if you are having a rough moment when you don't perform as you plan, raise your head, pat your shoulder, and say, "It's okay, fail is the door to success." With of course, the mentality to improve and work harder. Keep in mind, it will never be a smooth sails.
2. Perfect scor-ish wanna be
When i was a little bit younger (than now), I have always been chasing to get a perfect score. To be honest, i even cried if i don't get the highest mark in class for certain subjects. Little did i understand that by achieving perfect score, it doesn't worth anything. Of course, you will get people to say you are smart, and to be listed in the dean list, but hey does your score feed you food or something? Some will nod, which is legit, because with the good scores, they get scholarship to survive. However, you will be unhappy with yourself if you have that kind of mentality most of the time. You need to appreciate yourself, and always be grateful for whatever scores that you get and keep reminding yourself, "I need to pray as hard as I work for it". I would rather imagine success as an object. If you get it easily, you hardly appreciate it. But if its hard for you to buy it, you will cherish it. So if its too easy for you to get it, and apparently make you look down in the mouth even if you have everything in the world, what is life if there is no happiness?
3. Face only a mother could love
As we grow "younger", we will be totally immersed with the perspective of beautiful is perfection. Well, everyone is eager to have beautiful as their second name. There is totally nothing wrong with that, but please know that you don't have to dress to impress anybody except yourself. If I have the chance to say to my mini-Me, I probably would say she looks like a million dollar as long as she keeps everything hygiene, and practice sufficient skin care. Lol. Beauty is the opposite of perfection, it's about charisma, confidence and character.
the confidence of that sweater girl.
0 warm concern