Great Beginning in Auckland City

4:43 PM

Hello there from the City of Auckland!

Alhamdulillah, 🙌 landed safely for about two weeks ago. It is indeed incredible to gain this exciting opportunity to study deeply in my area of interest, in order to get myself equipped for my future career. Believe me, last year I did imagine myself doing my master right after my degree, but didnt expect myself to get married 💖 that soon tho.

Anyway, Alhamdulillah, despite the fact that I'm flying solo as a master student, and most of my countrymates and even my housemate are undergraduates student. So like my lecturer said, as a posgraduate student I need to think on my feet. Of course, not to forget the undeniably helpful communities and friends here in Auckland, who was indeed a stranger to me, her home has been my second home in Auckland. FF, Amalin, Ili and Kak Baz, I really can't forget what you did for me here!💕

So for this amazing opportunity, I was given the chance the choose my courses, what I wish to study and the great thing about the education here in Auckland, is that it always relate with the current project and case study in Auckland. Isn't that amazing? Truly!! 👌

Eventhough, as stated in my master program, I need to take up around three to five papers on 💓ENVENG, I choose to take the rest of the papers from other departments instead of Engineering Department. Currently I'm taking the Urban Planning paper particularly on Sustainable Infrastructure Planning which lie under the Architecture Department and Assessing Environmental Effects under Science Department. Cool! I wouldn't deny the fact that I was quite intimidated by the fact that other people are from Urban Planning degree background, hence I would probably face some challenges since I have zero background, but let's take it as a positive challenge. Despite, the classes are filled with people from the Water industry itself, I urge myself to learn more from my classmates.

If I have the chance to tell myself something, I would say:
-Basyirah you are going through the journey that make up a great person one day.
-You stretch yourself to learn something you love.
-Eventhough you are the youngest person in class (of course lacking of experiences and knowledge) you have all of it to learn more!
-You have never been afraid to learn. Yup, that's you.
-So take everything you can, learn everything, be a great person you wish to be once you get back 🙋


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