The decision day is just around the corner

1:37 PM

Morning!(laughing for no reason)

Ok. To be honest, im quite nervous because the result-day is just around the corner. 17 days more to go. (cant stop thinking about it).

Of course, im worry about scholarship. Way too worry. Because the tuition fee for undergraduate is not just 500 bucks but 15,000 bucks.. unless if i enter local university. Money, money and money. Where can i get that much? My parents have three more kids to go, so i cannot be selfish~ As the eldest especially, got to think for my siblings. My parents are not that rich to send me to private university. Thats why, it depends on my result. hOPEFULLY, i score with flying colours just like my parents!

The reason I really want to pursue my study abroad is because I want to force myself to survive. I want to learn the surviving skills. Eventhough it seems difficult at the beginning, I have to keep reminding myself, NOTHING COMES EASY IN THIS WORLD.

We make our fortunes, and we call them fate.
Earl of Beaconsfield

However i cant deny, that im feeling a lil bit stress, since my father hoping me to get more A's than him. I wish that is possible. Eventhough im not that smart, i really did my best for my exam. My very best. After striving for the whole year, sacrificing what it takes, i think thats enough for me to say fine. But not yet. haha.

But this day making me realize that i have to do things that maybe cannot be done after i enter the university world. More likely, the last time i can do this and that. Yup, list of things that might be the last time for me. No more time to enjoy when im busy studying. Especially the k-wave.

Thoughts of these things make me realize the fact that im growing older. Now, im missing my golden age. The age where i can fool around, the age where i can be immature, the age where i can watch cartoon as much as i like. Time sure flies fast. Even i cant believe that i already finished my high school. Worrying about future like adults do.

Haha. By the way, one of my friend disagree about my blog presentation. She says that it seems immature and so on. But i guess, mature is not just the way you present yourself. But also our thoughts. I mean, you cant say immature for one factor. Thats what im thinking. Haha. And sometimes matured people also want to show their immature side for awhile. People are not robot with no feelings and emotions.

Gonna miss my childhood. ~~ Have to prepare myself to say goodbye Yesterday, and hello Tomorrow.

Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.
Chinese Proverb

P/S;wish for my success!

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