VERY unlucky (for now)

10:32 AM

when the clock ticked 12.. i opened this blacky lappy to see some drama that i follow.
Luckily, i opened MARA website and suddenly i see, some news about study loan..
And i was happy, cause i have been waiting for it for 3 weeks, i suppose.
So, i began to feel excited, and even type my choices for engineering programmes around 20, i think , just to present to my parents, choices that i can make~ My heart started to race, while my finger typing those information in clumsy. I don't know, but I always have a good feeling about everything eventhough my intuition is not that true.
Then, i see my future becoming cloudy, when i open a page about the minimum requirement for study abroad loan. That was my dream, and of course is my dream till now. What can i do about that? I didnt meet the requirement for engineering programme. Just ONE more subject to be A, and all these nightmares will fade away.
Keep saying to myself, "what happen to my dream? this is it? the end?"... huhuhuhu
it is a tough phase for me. Suddenly this position reminds me to 'something', she says: one mistake, one regret. HAHAHA.. really fit my position~ hhuhuhu..
But Alhamdulillah, i meet the requirement to apply study loan for local study. -.-
What to do? Yup, it is easy to say LET BYGONES BE BYGONES, when it gambles our future. *sigh and sigh* -again and again.
really some sort of dissapointed? hmmmm... but cant really cry.. my tears are gone~ finished! hahaha.. that is a lie of course~

Just watched a commercial advertisement that promote Man U club, but the message make me cry spontaneously. Want to know? In case if u didnt watch ESPN. hehehe
Its a story of a boy that like football, and try to make his father proud for his achievement. The most touching part is when the little boy say : Its okay father, i promise, one day i will make you proud: * crying sob sob*
I think every noble child want to achieve that goal~
I wish i can make it reality. for my parents to be happy on the cloud nine~ hahaha
Hmmm... back to the topic, i think my luck is going away~

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