EDUCAMP 2012 what a wonderful experience!

9:48 AM

Alhamdulillah...I just got back from my interview in PETRONAS UNIVERSITY of TECHNOLOGY, Perak.. So just to share some of my experiences with candidates who will be participating in EDUCAMP 2013. I  hope that these informations will make you more prepare, cause I know that feeling.. the feeling of not knowing anything about EDUCAMP.. (dont worry ive been in the same shoes)..

So first of all. you have to know the differents between EDUCAMP and EDUQUEST.. EDUQUEST is meant for candidates who are shorlisted for Petronas Sponsorship~ if u get this, u r the most lucky person on earth~  however, EDUCAMP is meant for candidates who are shorlisted for this particular university placement. Please note that, you have to pay the fees on your own if you accept the offer.

 Any questions about EDUQUEST, please do ask somebody who attended it. (im not the one)   

This EDUCAMP thing will take just one day, and thats it.. so, try to prepare mentally and physically, ok? First of all, you gonna line up in front of the chancellor hall to take you number. Then, the vice chancellor will deliver his speeches and so on. It takes awhile~ dont get boring please >.<  Then, some of the representatives from each department will explain about each job prospects and statistics and all these amazing facts. Just make sure your eyes and ears are wide enough to absorb these knowledge ~
 Next, listen to the orders carefully.. make sure you enter the right group..
Since mine was the evening session, the interview started after zohor prayer. Ok, get ready for the "nerve-wrecking" part.. hahaha
ok, you are going to enter the discussion room. Randomly enter a group with strangers around you. :) im lucky enough to have my best friend beside me though~ at this moment.  But Mr In-Charge said "each group must have 3 boys and 2 girls. So i have to split up with two of my classmates.. lol.. actually, i like to be independent, not just relying on my friends present, cause through this we can actually see how we survive on our own. that is the REALITY. then, each of us had a study case~  We all had the same problem, but different solutions. 30 minutes will be given to expand the ideas. Next, you will be call for individual interview. So, first of all the interviewer will ask random question, and the most common question, "tell me about your family,/yourself". So i was quiet disagree about the idea of telling my sister's hobbies and all that. So i told him about my parents and how they actually inspired me to enter engineering fields. So yes, i think i did my best to impress him. Next, he asked me why i choose this particular field. That was when i feel MY GOLDEN CHANCE is approaching, i just have to explain myself. but seriously, i think i can explain better than that~ huhuhhu.. Anyway, eventhough i know that is not the BEST from me, but i tried ~ so less regret about it. Then, he asked me to explain my idea. This is when, i think im quiet defensive.  i dont think he understand my point, so i keep repeating myself and say I FULLY AGREE with my idea. THATS MY STAND. and the most unbelievable words that i said, "I think you MISUNDERSTAND ME".. that was a huge blow ( i think so).. i dont know how am i going to survive, to be honest.. its quiet rude dont you think? but anyway, i did my best in everything.. so lastly he said,"Im sure that you have more good ideas, but unfortunately we dont have enough time."..

Move on to the next agenda. Now its the time for group discussion, you gonna enter the same interview room with the same interviewer in it, but now, move as one group. Then, you will be given 10 minutes to discuss with other members.. Someone has to lead this group cause the interviewer will be "invisible".. i think i did some mistakes here. ok, we all did explain our own proposal, then maybe because im quiet good in persuading people, everybody agreed to choose mine as the solution. My mistakes were, we should combine good proposals together,.. we cannot depending fully on one proposal. (i think so).. because good actions is to think the back-up plan~ hahahaha.. and we ended the group discussion less than 10 minutes.. quiet wasteful there~  OMG.. The funny part was he actually called me Ministry of Environment and followed by a small laugh. I hope he will remember my so-called "defensive". at least i leave a mark behind~ kkkkk

So, before i forget, mine was "how to curb the cyber crimes".. guess what i proposed? hire the hackers to build the firewall..  i thought it was a rational idea, but my mum said it is ridicolous! she knows the best about this matter, since she is from that particular field.

Somehow i did end this worthy experience with a happy-expression on my face. of course, I AM HAPPY!

  eventhough i wont get the offer, i did my best, that matters the most. appreciate this, what most people call ONCE IN A LIFETIME experience~

My dad always says as long you are confident and believe in your stand, you can do it. Because in this case, its not who is right and who is wrong, but how you persuade people. OKAY, at least i hear some "hopes" there..

Anyway for you guys out there, good luck! Just do your best and He will give you the rest! 

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