
HE is the BEST

6:16 AM


Alhamdulillah.. here i am in the particular university that i told you two months ago~ Alhamdulillah :) He is the best planner right?? after confronting hardships and misery, here i am to gain knowledge in engineering field. Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Allah. Praise to Allah.

ok. 5 more days to Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.
:) welcome to the month that full of His Mercy.

Ok ok. So what is the input for today? hmmm... let me think.

Today's theme is  you have to think it for yourself.. *i need you to digest it*

Ok, so what now? its about the story of two pair of shoes. (since i like shoes, i chose it)

One pair, is a display one. The other one is in a beautiful box, nice and clean. So, one day, there is a guy came into that shop. He is interested in the shoes. The display one. But he just try it, to make sure the size, but at the end, did he buy it? Yes. Of course, he bought it, but not the display one, but the one is in the beautiful box. Why did he do that? If i were him, of course i did the same thing. I want the clean one, the one that nobody had tried before.  Got the message?

In case if you don't understand, please read it, again and again. OK? :D


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