life oh misery!

7:31 PM

     بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Today is A KIND of tiring day in campus. :) but its ok. Actually i want to express my dissapointment towards my 'certain' coursemates... for the tough experience. There was a moment in the pre-cal class this morning, that made me wanna *sob sob*.. its actually about how people treat me. and so on. but if I'm bad enough ill say, 'may Allah give u this bitter experience.' But who am I to make this kind of dua'? So i prayed, 'May Allah gives a lot of good friends to treat u with a kind heart,, since u also are kind-hearted person :) '. So yes,,, though I've been a lot of troubles and pains due to my friends,, I hope, they wouldn't face the same thing :) that's what friends are for right? just pray a good2 things. You know, there are moments in your life, when others make you feel the deep pain, and you just make a dua', "ya Allah, I hope I will not give this pain to someone else, cause I know it hurts a lot."

Ya.. so... i just move on.. opening a new chapter, with a new smile. Insya Allah.. a bright smile :))

One of my-really GOOD friend, who always there to motivate me, said, " Mocha, you know what? You are really strong! I can see that! despite what people say and ask, you keep smiling, and be positive. So please, continue to be that cheerful person." hahah.. Alhamdulillah, though i know the fact that some people called me a sensitive person. But This CAmpus Life give me a BIG lesson learned.. don't put a lot of concern for the other's thought or else, you can't stay happy. Yes, pain is pain la.. But try to endure it.. This is just a campus, not even work world yet. So yeah! MOcha stay strong! just beat those commoner through CGPA.... HOKHOKHOK...who says private student can't be 4flat student? hahaha.. challenge is accepted!

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