Dealing unwanted events

1:41 AM

Bismillah. :)

Today, I have some curiosity on how humans dealing with fear.. Hmmmm.. Not denying the fact, that I've done the same thing. So, yes, I believe my friends do know 'something' about me. Which is, I like to delete my own memories. Things that, I don't want to remember, I'll delete it intentionally. And plus, I do remove unnecessary memories. Hmm.. I start to wondering, is it really gone in my head or what? But when I scrolled down all the psychology websites, it seems that the memory is still in my head, it just that I can't trigger it. How amazing! SubhanAllah.

As I search, and google, I found this "motivated forgetting".. Motivated forgetting is a method in which people protect themselves by blocking the recall of these anxiety-arousing memories. SubhanAllah. again! how amazing the human's mind is! Yes, I would say, that's a kind of good way of dealing ur traumatic event. But the next question is, how can, some of the non-traumatic events also, I unconsciously remove? Hmmmm.. This question is super mystery~ *thinking* Nahhh.. I think, maybe because I'm growing older, thats why~ I dunno :( 

Down I go, and I found this fancy term  post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which refers to the cases related to memory disturbance from the survivors of the Korean War. It makes me wonder, how is Palestine right now? Does the children face the same thing? :'( It makes me feel bad. Hopefully, they will be strong to face these INhuman ACT.

But anyway, what an evening with psychology thingy. Still wondering, why, I didn't take med? Hmmm.. Owh, cause I'm not good in answering biology questions :) I love Doctors! They help people a lot! ^.^  *mentang2 la baru gi klinik*. Ok. Thats all for today :) May we all have a barakah day! Ameen!

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