
Love Notes by Syeikh Yahya Ibrahim

4:39 AM

Bismillah. Alhamdulillah recently attended marriage seminar under Al-Maghrib called love notes.  I must say this is not my first time following Al-Maghrib event but maybe sixth or seventh time, since it is just super amazingly beneficial seminar i can find. Worth every dollar. So here i am, trying to share few things that i find newest to me and I hope you glad to read it.

I know, people in my ages would probably wonder, how can we know the love is permissible or not. We certainly aware that love comes from the heart, and "Hearts are between the fingers of Allah, and He flips them the way He wishes" (Sahih Muslim 6418). Thus having a feeling for someone is a sign of perfection. But not to forget Ibnu Qayyim also said,"love is divided into two types: one is optional and one is not. The optional is what leads to love (eyesight, association) and this is the love that you must beware. The non-optional love, if it happens by the sudden look, but above all it is how you react to it that Allah will hold accountability to it." In a simple way it means, look on your action, then you know the love is genuine or fake. 

One story that i remembered the sheikh told us, there was a slave (lady) named Barirah married to Mughith. Since she was a slave, she was forced to marry him. But when 'Aisyah R.A set her free, she demand to divorce with her husband. However, the husband love her so much that she asked Abu Bakar, Umar to tell Barirah how much he loves her, and he wants her back. But Barirah listens to no one. Then, Mughith asked Rasulullah SAW to tell her the same, and Rasullah do as he requested. But Barirah choose not to. Mughith was devastated. One day, Rasulullah SAW was with Abbas when he saw them on the street, since Mughith keeps following Barirah and Rasulullah SAW said,"O Abbas! Isn't it amazing how much Mughith loves Barirah and how much Barirah hates Mughith?"(Bukhari)

It shows how love can be astonishing at some point even Rasulullah SAW amazed by it. Eventhough, Mughith was crazy over his wife, Rasulullah SAW let him be, so that at one point he realises what he was doing, and recover himself.

Speaking of marriage I remembered one story when 'Aisyah RA got jealous with the other wife. One day, Rasulullah SAW asked 'Aisyah RA to go with him to grab a meal at one of the wife who was good in cooking. And when the wife bring the meal to Rasulullah SAW he looked delighted, and 'Aisyah got jealous and break the plate, so some of the food fell to the ground. Rasulullah SAW knew 'Aisyah got jealous, thus he feed her with the food that has not fell off, and said to her, you might like this. 'Aisyah was delighted and so on the way back, Rasulullah said to her, maybe the wife will also love to try the food that you have made.

In the story, there are few wisdoms of Rasulullah SAW responded to 'Aisyah RA jealousy. He didn't get angry even though 'Aisyah broke the plate but instead calm her. Second, he didn't offend 'Aisyah in a way,"Please replace the broken plate" instead, "why not you share to her what you have cooked?"

Its truly amazing on how Rasulullah reacts to his wives and he was a very thoughtful person. So hopefully, we can act like how Rasulullah did to his spouse and learn from his wisdoms. Insya ALLAH. Indeed he is the greatest example of human beings.

I would highly recommend you, to join this Al-Maghrib event be it fiqh of marriage or dua and dzikr or solat. Every single topics are as important, and you can check them out at Al-Maghrib and the seminar is all over the world, especially UK, US, Australia and Canada. If you are from UTP, you can try to give your name to NIC (Nur Islamic Centre) in order to get sponsored to attend this seminar. May Allah ease the path you take in order to get some knowledges.

So Alhamdulillah, here are some notes that I've made for the two days seminar;

P/S: i apologize for my not-well-done-look-like-doctor handwriting. Cant help it.

Thats all for now. I'm already hungry. Assalamualaikum. Tak jawab dosa, kalau jawab sayang :)

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