Assalamualaikum dear readers,
Fast forward to the next phase of life, some women eventually will be blessed with double-line on p-test. Alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah.
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart”
As the first in the siblings to get pregnant, I guess my mom couldn't help me much since it has been almost two decades ago since she got pregnant in addition to the fact that she is just thousand miles away. Hence, the ultimate reason why I decided to blog this journey, knowing that, there must be some of us who in need of this rough idea of how to face first pregnancy.
But firstly, I would like to thank my sisters-in-law for being such a sweetheart to share things about pregnancy including my big family and friends.
1) Open Pink Book
Apparently, in Malaysia, there is a pink book that a pregnant mom should acquire and it can be done by a simple visit to the local government clinic before 10 weeks of pregnancy. Well, I must say if you come late, there is a chance for you to get scolded. So, as an abiding law citizen, I went to the public clinic and try to figure out the numbering system there. Since I'm living a sort of suburb area, it doesn't really look like the usual stuff. Anyway after several times of check up, I finally get hang of it. Good thing about attending the check up is that the nurse will try to inform little by little information on things we should aware went we get pregnant especially regarding the body changes, and also she will advise what kind of diet should we have more. At the back of the pink book, there are more information on how we should wear loose clothes during pregnancy and potential sickness we can get ourselves into if we don't take care of our hygiene.
2) Read more!
Then, it is our choice, either to read more on internet or find books so that we understand more on what to prepare before the baby is born. Even in Islam, it is advisable to read more Quran and try to be closer to Allah in order to familiarize the baby with Islamic teachings. With hope the baby will become the people of faith. If you are looking for holistic and simple book, I would recommend "9 bulan 10 hari" book written by multiple authors. It gives me the idea what is the sunnah practices can can be done before and after deliver on top of the traditional practices in confinement according to Malay tradition.3) List necessities
You definitely can find the list online on things you can buy for the labour preparation and necessity items for newborn. Just want to share mine;
Anyway that is my personal list, feel free to save it💓

4) Attend Antenatal Class
For labour experiences, I have always asked the elders experiences. Amazingly a mom would remember which kid they have gone for ceaser or normal. Of course, I wouldn't imagine my experience would be same as theirs, but at least I got rough idea what to expect. As my senior once advised me, to seek for knowledge and learn about birthing so that we know how to handle it. For that reason and to feel more prepared, my husband and I enrolled for antenatal class, conducted by hospital An-Nur (which I decided to give labour at). Knowing that all speakers are doctors from the hospital and not some sort of rookies sharing, I believe I will enjoy it more.They basically tell the parents what thing to be expected, not to get freak if our baby has jaundice, what is the baby hungry sign and how to clean the baby. That is definitely things to learn if you are first timer like me! Besides there is also physiotherapist who helps us practice on the posture to birthing, exercise that would help and how to breathe. I definitely the kind of girl who google how to breath & push in labour. I believe in good techniques.27 weeks pregnant at Nice, France |
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