A brand new DAY!

6:34 PM


I feel very delightful, this morning. Why? Because one of my mom's plant that almost died, survive. Thanks to the fertiliser. When we do good deeds, we should be happy right?

Start your day with good deads. Thats the first point. When we start our day, with good deeds, insya Allah, we will be bless . I'm sure everybody wants that.

Second, don't ever forget to smile!
I learned that yesterday! When you smile, from the bottom of your heart, even if you didnt get any job, you will still be happy! Don't just smile because you want to comfort others, smile to comfort yourself.It does work for me. Happiness matters.

Then, the most crucial point is always plan your day!
When you plan, you'll be discipline. Am i right? Try your very best to follow it. It will definitely help you in the future. My mom always say If you fail to plan, then you will absolutely plan to fail. Planning is not just trying to be discipline, but on the other hand, you are trying to improve yourself. Do things according to the priority. Insya Allah, you can. Don't forget about our hereafter preparations ok?!

Mata chikaiuchini! ~see you soon~

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