what A day!

12:03 AM


toDAY, i searched for a job that will kill my time (i hope-fyi) , rather than doing useless things.. finally, i made a move! but still can't find a suitable job yet. Mostly, they offered jobs for full-timer, but i extremely can't be one, since i have to finish my driving class first.

Yes, it was tiring, but i guess, i learned a lot from that. congratulations MOCHA~

First stop was a workshop ( a.k.a a car shop ). Since this particular car shop hung a big banner for job vacancy.. So yes, i applied, the clerk position. Hah, but then the supervisor said they are looking for full-timer for crucial reasons (i understand). Just like the supervisor said ".. we dont want to spend our times to search for workers, we want to make business, so if we trained a lot
of workers but they keep quit then we don't get any benefits.." -totally understandable. The funny part was, the supervisor laugh when he sees how much im expecting.. 0nly 100 bucks.. I'm naive ~.~

Boutiques, hardware store, bookstore, optical shop and PHARMACY!
I will consider the PHARMACY job since i like to learn more about medicines. Why? Absolutely NOT because im interested in becoming a doctor, but i want to be a good mother one day. My mother knows a lot about medicines for the sake of her family, eventhough she is not a doctor. I want to be like her!

Guess what? I got hired by my neighbor, to baby-sit her children.. Its not an easy job you know. Her children are super-active, i know better.

What will i do with my first formal-work salary? My friends bought new phone, handbag, and what so ever. But i dont think im willing to do that. I think im gonna save my money for further education. It is EXTREMELY expensive, and i dont want to rely on my parents.

When i buy something, i always feel unsatisfied.Thats why i love window shopping. Just look at it~ ^^ But i still have my money in my wallet:

My dad asked me whether i want to work at coffee bean on the other day. I even called the manager. It is my dream to work as barista. I want to learn on how to make delicious coffee-since i also addicted to it. I can serve my dad and bla bla bla.. but, the uniform made me worried. So, dream is just a dream?

OK, thats all for now, sayonara!

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