be strong!

9:40 AM

owh ya.. forgot to tell u  a story.. that kinda make my heart-plane crashed~~ in the middle of journey to the castle of hope. *im sorry, am i being too literacy?* *blink-blink*

Anyway, its a story of a young beautiful girl *u bet!* walking to the student support office, hoping to hear some good news. A news that is gonna to change her whole life *in terms of financial especiallY!*  yes.. its SCHOLARSHIP thing~~~  

Ok, but not everybody lives in fairytale i guess? hehe.. i dont get it, thats all. not EVEN a chance to try~ so i have to wait for about two semesters, to get the opportunity to try~ lol. its ok. ~ at least im living in reality :)

anyway, i cant stop the tears from dropping.. *never wish it to be like that* .. as an eldest its KINDA a BIG HOPE u know. help the parents. be a good role model and so on~

every time i walk at the chancellor complex, i can see my dad's hope, his efforts... *tears again*
cant really describe it, but all i can say, as i keep walking there, i get the aura to study and study. just like what my dad did in 2006. :) a proud daughter aite?

so its not a crime to be a nerd right?

hahah. some lecturers expect chem e to be the best students, some people thought chem e are nerds. i dont know. just telling people's thoughts

Anyway, wish me all the best for my future. You never know what happens next?~

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