happy and happy!

9:11 AM

with the name of ALLAH, the most gracious and the most merciful.

Alhamdulillah, i experienced a good day in campus. Even though i kept sticking with my pre cal book, until to which extent ppl called me "terlebih rajin" or what not.. im not that too good to accept it :) but its my pleasure, if u insist~ hahah.. ok, its kinda of a happy night for me, since i got to socialize, meet up with friends, seniors, and i enjoyed it. And the funny part is i cant stop reading Dr. Harlina Yunos's blog. Its kinda of cute~ to have a life with baby :) plus *sweet couple*.. hahah,,,

very entertaining to read her daily lives joke.. i wonder when will be my time to experience all that~ *wink* even my room mate, we giggled non-stop for an hour bcoz of the entries. Seriously a very happening family :)

it is every girls wish to have a very happy family.. hahah.. sorry cant say anymore or ill be punished :) just zipped it ok?

hahahahahah.. so mom-to-be, just read it ok? apply 5 years ahead ok?

"Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahlah kepada kami, isteri dan zuriat yang menyejukkan mata, dan jadikanlah kami, imam bagi orang yang bertakwa". (Al-Furqan ayat 74).

#my aunt always remind me to read this du'a


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