husnu Dzon ;)

3:23 AM

bismillah. In the name Allah the most gracious and the most merciful.

today, i would like to share some lesson learnt with you, which im also trying to practice.. Husnu Dzon?? what does that mean? try to guess ;) tik tok tik tok, the clock is ticking... heheh.. time's up..
 the answer is..... good thought.. :) what? good thought? hehe.. im not sure the correct the word in english but in malay ppl say "bersangka baik". So, yes, basically, im also striving, to think good of others. I know, its hard.. really-really hard, cause, you have to delete all the negative thinking in your beautiful mind. HMMMM... what makes me think, we HAVE to think good of others?

the story began when i dislike one person's action. I began to think that the person's action is not corresponding to what Islam guide us. So, i asked my good friends, my naqibah to hear their opinions. Then, my good friend said, 'Mocha, you don't know the real reason why the person did that right?'  ... erkk.. yes... 'so, why are you angry?'.... erkk.. dunno... 'Mocha, you know what, in this life, you should not think bad about others, cause, only HE knows what inside their hearts.' ok.  gulp. at that very moment, i was so stubborn actually, still with the thought i am right.

But you see, in this life we are not dealing animals or trees, or even the moon. But we are also dealing with humans with the blessing of their hearts. So, we cannot be selfish, and think that our opinion is right. We have to learn to accept their thoughts.

Bad thoughts will lead to jealousy, envy, and so many mazmumah things. So, why should we waste our time, doing mazmumah things, when, our life should be dedicated for seeking His Mardhotillah?
Plus, we never know, the person will be a better person tomorrow than what we are, today :) just like my friend said,' when you get the hidayah today, take good care of it. you never know what happen tomorrow.'

Let us pray, May we all die, in iman. insya ALLAH..

This remind me to a very familiar hadith for the AlAminians ;))

لاَ یُؤْمِنُ أَحَدُكُمْ حَتَّى یُحِبَّ لِأَخِيْهِ مَا یُحِبُّ لِنَفْسِهِ

Seseorang kamu tidak benar-benar beriman sehingga dia mengasihi saudaranya sebagaimana dia mengasihi dirinya sendiri.  

رواه البخاري ومسلم


which means, one will not be a true believer, if he doesn't love his friend just like he loves himself. 
 SubhanAllah. Look, on how Islam truly care on our brotherhood and sisterhood :) So what do you say? What is your menifesto?  


#like one of my dear friend said "keep smiling :)"

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1 warm concern

  1. I love to read that🥰, in Islam we've been treated to pray the goodness fr others ppl bcs its will bring back to us." Do good and good will come to you".



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