learn before you teach.

8:37 AM

bismillah in the name of Allah the Almighty.

actually, i just got an idea about my family. to be really honest, I'm really grateful to have both of my parents. I really like them, their background and so on. I really like the way they teach their children, how they explain things and being good example for their children.

I learned a lot from them. A lot! :) especially on how to teach my children later.

So like what? hmm.. something that we like to discuss in the car especially is science. How? Why? A lot of questions are floating in the air, as we discuss about science field, since my brothers and me have a high curiosity level. Hahaha.. that's why, sometimes we have some chemistry quiz on the way to 'balik kampung'. ahhaha.. just to kill the time. and my brother keep asking question over question -.-'' hahah.. thats the process of learning right? and since both of my parents are engineers, they can really explain a lot of things :) Alhamdulillah.

next, when we were small, i still remember, the three of us would roll on my dad's bed while listening our dad read the hadis bukhari :) I really like that one. What can we learn from that? --We need to introduce to our children about Islam since small. :) don't just teach them to speak english, but know nothing about our religion. That is sooo not right. As a parent, it is a must to nurture them through the Islamic way. AND never forget to provide a small library in the house :) especially for the Islamic books like the important reference such as Tafsir Ibnu Kathir and what not.

See the balance? between the akhirat and the dunya? 

Some of my friends (in my uni) asked, 'don't you feel lost if you are at home? no usrah or SG.'
:) i just smile. and reply, ' I feel really close to Him with my parents around me. For me, i learned a lot from them. A lot of new things, that you can never imagine.' <---see the difference? even usrah means family ;)

As a conclusion, if we really want to be a good parent, we must not feel ashamed to gain the knowledge anywhere anytime :) never say no to 'majlis ilmu' aka 'taman-taman syurga' :) please be prepare in advance :) because you are responsible for the people under you. [no matter whether you are from religious family or liberal. you choose who you want to be]

“O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones…" [Quran 66:6]
So in addition, i really love to express my appreciation to my parents because of them, I am who I am today :)

#it is never too late to make some differences.

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