Celebrate the differences.

11:01 PM

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Honestly speaking, i really missed my friends, my ALAMIN fwiends :3 they are too good to be my fwiend actually :) I can say, they really accept me for who I am, and I do really appreciate it. You know the feeling of getting angry but you just can't do it because they are just too good to be true. I can say they really care enough to take my red heart :) they will just smile when Im trying to 'cari pasal' with them, and guess what i just can't do it then..  and they do really understand my 'kerenah'. It is really really really hard to find that type of friends you know. A friend that would just smile and be patient with your "tantrum".

So basically what is the lesson learned here? hmmm *lets hear some conversation between these two smileys*..

^.^ : I know! when we love our friend because of Allah! we will accept her as herself! we will not feel  hurt for something small. we will learn to be celebrate her difference. 
-.-' : I knew it. but why must lillahi ta'ala? we can be BFF too without saying for Allah.
^.^ : it just that, when we do something for ALLAH, he will surely take a good care of it. If we just intentionally do it for dunya, what can we get? Is that our life purpose? 
-.-' : Oh my, it is not that we are going to the same grave later on.
^.^ : yes, i'm pretty sure about that too. But do you really enjoy a friendship that has deadline: {on the day i die}. Not me of course~  
-.-' : Ok, got it!

....and the conversation stops here.

Based on my personal experiences, it will not last long if it's not for the sake of ALLAH. I can see THE GIGANTIC LINE between it~
So what should we do to change it? the niat of course! :D everyday, try to say to ourselves, I'm her friend because of Allah.*thats all mocha? -.-'*. No la...

 hmm.. try to be patient of course. *im also working on this*
No matter how not funny her joke is, just laugh. No matter how boring her attitude, just smile. No matter how slow she is, just help :) 
isn't it nice? Ya.. not every relationship is just perfectly beautiful :) there must be up and down, salt and pepper in it aite? just learn to tolerate and accept the real her. (im working on it).

sooooo in the other word just keep supporting each other. Though we are not KLCC tower or what not, we still need some supports to move on right? regardless the nationalities and skin colour. Just like our beloved Prophet reminded us;

 "Faithful believers are to each other as the bricks of a wall, supporting and reinforcing each other." So saying, the Prophet Muhammad clasped his hands by interlocking his fingers.

Ok. now lets hear several opinions from my favourite of all-time author Zabrina A. Bakar regarding these bricks of wall;

1. without the bottom layer, the top bricks can never exist. Their existance is dependent on the existence of the bottom layers of the bricks.

2. If the bottom layer of bricks has a shaky foundation, it cannot hold the top layer of bricks for and extended period.
+ you really should read her book, it is superb! Masya ALLAH +

so, now, get the idea? i can hear some 'yes' here :)

Alhamdulillah then. :)
Errrkk.. I just realize, i didn't enter the topic yet. Duh! Ok, hehe. 

THE DIFFERENCES?? owh.. im not talking about the skin colour, all physical structure here, but i want to touch on personalities :) Yes, each of us, has a slightly or even BIG differences. some of us may  have a very tough personality like "i don't care what you are saying as long as Im happy" or some even has "how could you do this to me" syndrome. hahha.. ok.. that sounds just like me..

but what im trying to say here, it is not about me, its about US :) when one of us act weirdly or what not, just smile and says in our heart, "oh, that is her unique side." cause some of us, really loves to be different, they just don't like to be the same like others. Yes, they have the point there. If  we keep using petroleum to move a car? what will the future car use? the population is getting bigger, yet the petroleum is inversely proportional to it.*sudden science, sorry* 

So here we are! lets love each other for the sake of Allah ;) and pray that we ALL gonna have the tickets to enter the Jannah insya ALLAH! <3


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