Chemical oh chemical!

8:11 AM

Bismillah, today I feel like want to share my joy and happiness with yall.. what is my topic for tonight? At last, about my dearrrrr coursemates. Like seriously I don’t know how to explain it, but I just love u guys.. no matter, how many times we fought, I just like you guys. Do you still remember when we didn’t know each other very well, and tried our best to fit with each other. Worked together, for a mission. Listen to instructions, and yada yada… How cool was it. And now we are a BIG FAMILY !

Like I said, before, we HAVE to celebrate the differences. In our class, we have a genius pal, sleepy pal, funny guy, nerdy pal, and many more…?? Too many, and it is enough to make my night.. Cause that is the beauty of our course. I don’t know how to say.  Chemical oh chemical engineers.. ;) 

* Cannot arrange the feeling in words *

I hope this bond will last forever please.....

##ukhuwwah sounds like this," i love you, and i want you to enter Jannah with me. So do take care of me from doing sins, and i will do the same"##

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