
Knowledgeable as A'isyah Radhiallahu'anhu

12:16 PM


May we all in a good condition of health.

Well, this time round its quite hard for me to type that fast since one of my finger swollen up after a basketball competition. So yup, this time round, no lengthy post, promise.

Where was I? All this while, didn't have the time to update my Melbourne trip, Sydney and Auckland. Sorry. Will try to make it up later.

So as you can see the title of this post is about A'isyah. Not just a normal A'isyah, though my current roomate named A'isyah. But this one is about Rasulullah's wife. Rasulullah SAW. So there is one point, or I would say one thing that I would want to be as I grow old (well I don't grow up anymore :p), is to be somebody knowledgable. But of course not just one kind of knowledgeable.

We are all aware that during, Abasiyyah Age, Ilmuwan Islam (pardon me, cant remember the correct english term) were very famous across the border, to the extend even the West people learnt from them. They empower field not just in medicine but also in astronomy, mathematics, architecture, hadis, islamic law and many more. But what happens today? We only focus in one stream, and that is the only thing we ought to know, and want to empower. Yes, having specialized field is encouraged, but that doesn't mean, we should just leave other knowledge to other people. Well, we should know some points.

If we are not interested in becoming lecturer to teach others about it, just give a thought about our future children. Well, that is the only thing i could think of right now. I mean like seriously, i'm pretty sure my kids will be asking numerous questions, and how i wish i know the answers. :)

So that is why, i chose to take minor subjects. Tough? At first, couldn't see the upcoming challenges, but as i entered week 4, i got it! haha. I was actually challenging my limit. 21 credit hours seems not very heavy at first, but wait till the moment all the projects came in and the test, yikes! haha. Tough is tough. But with the help of my best friend, Yuanita, got to say, we overcome the hurdles together. What kind of hurdles? The moment ur classmate can wake up late because of no class in the morning, u wake up early to go to management class. The moment, when ur classmates end the class for the day, u still have night class to catch up. There is a point u would cry because ur too tired. Literally!

But by remembering the initial reason, maybe bit by bit, ur tiredness will go away. But i tell u, finance and accounting class are more fun than engineering class. Maybe coz im too used to engineering class. The lecturer always make jokes and of course, the first hour i would be sleeping exhaustively in the front row. Even the lecturer noticed it. (Engineering class, u sleep, u lose ur way).

This semester gets even tougher, though i just participate in two events but i tell u, both are international. And the challenges are no kidding. One job scope, is to manage the public relations department which means contacting the international people. Second is to manage trip to Melbourne for dakwah purpose. Another tough thingy. I cannot count how much i cry out of tiredness, out of sickness to just manage things, juggling with my 21 credit hours. I would burst into tears suddenly and sitting at one corner, looking at the cats, wishing how i can be lazy sleeping playing around like them. (omg, i'm jealous of cats).

But the moment, that feeling strikes in, how tired life is, i would be reminding myself, how life should be tired to the Muslim, because life is not our destination. Its a journey! Yeay! One point to get up. And also just to motivate myself, of course i have no boyfriend to give supports -.-, i remembered how Rasulullah SAW gave Fatimah advices to keep zikir when she feels tired doing the chores despite of not having maid. Though im no-wife yet, but who says i cant practice it ;p.

Okay that's all. Till u read next one :D

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