dear diary

Flying with Struggle

2:08 AM


Been pending this post for so + over + ultimate long. Since september.

So yup, as some may know that, me and my friends went to Melbourne on last September, to do some dakwah projects. Alhamdulillah. The process itself was super challenging i must say. Malay nowadays would say," Jiwa kena kental + sado, baru boleh pergi."

Just imagine, the hard works requires one year of commitment. And if one out of ten, or even half of it didn't commit, just imagine the impact. You must be wondering why i say so? Because actually the project requires us to find our own money, well to generate our own money. We went to kelantan-terengganu and even pahang to make sort of summer camp, just to generate money. But what we actually get (financially)? To be honest, it was a failure, for us. Do we really get profit? Nah.. But as time passes, from one event to another. We learn a bit, to me just like a tiny magnitude of small step.

Only Allah knows the struggle actually, to go through a phase where the circle got downsize, because of not so good financial status, and believe me some pull themselves out from the circle due to commitment, and stuff. Yes, indeed the struggle of the mental state was so at it peaks, when nobody actually see our program will come to it success. Months by months of silent, and we were still not buying the ticket.

Wallahi, I admit that it was intimidating to actually pull myself out, but what makes me if i do so? The one who actually suggested Melbourne was me, due to my contacts. And if i pull myself out? What happen to my friends? My circle. With the thought of purifying my niat, and to learn more, to get closer to Allah during this travel, I gave up on stepping out from the circle. I redah je.

When my friends become demotivated, i motivate them. Though every time i hear their weak spirits, my heart cracks bit by bit. But fine, faking up smile is ok, to comfort people. But I must admit, if I don't get inspired by the people there, if I don't get inspired from this ayah;

And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah. and celebrate the Praises of Allah often (and without stint): that ye may prosper.        (Al-Jumaah:10)

Probably I stop, and step out.

It is so different, wallahi. The circle there, compare to us here. They are so bonded to each other and i just want to share the warmth of the love with my friends, here in Malaysia. To actually able to experience it is subhanALLAH.

I have always dreamt a travel where, i feel so peaceful, and i learned a lots of things in it. But this time round i feel so lacking, maybe because i was expecting myself to learn much more. But Allah allows me to learn just basic things about relationship with the people. Maybe I'm lacking of it.

Anyway, the point is, every time you see the people so happy on the pictures (probably at oversea) please please, don't have the thought of, " untunglah die." You never know the struggle to achieve that point if you never experience it. One day, if opportunity knocks, never give up. Never ever give up on your dream. Thats what my dad say about me. If I want something to happen, ill definitely work hard no matter what.

So here we are :

But never forget Allah is the best planner of all :)

P/s: May those who couldn't come, have another opportunity in the future. Ameen.

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